On November 1 , 2010, invited by professor Yang Guang, Professor Katsuyoshi Nishinari of Osaka City University,Japan, visited Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and gave a lecture entitled as“Rheological and related properties of gelling polysaccharides”.
Professor Nishinari’ report introduced the gel immersed by metal solution and its related properties. Participated teachers and students actively to ask questions, and professor patient to answer their questions.
Professor Nishinari is now a visiting professor of HUST. June 7th , 2007 - June 13th , 2007, Professor Nishinari was invited to visit HUST for the first time, employed as a Visiting Professor by School of Life Science and Technology, and gave two reports (1.Rheology of biomacromolecules 1.Basic concenpts of rheology 2.Application in foods and medicine; 2. Gels and gelling processes of polysaccharides and proteins;Rheology control in foods and medicine) .