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Professor Yang Guang and graduate student Wu Lei were invited to participate in The 10th Internation
Date: 2017-06-14
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Sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference(IHC-2010, was held on June 20-24 at Min hang Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 272 representatives from 31 countries and regions all over the worldattended the conference, 131 of which were foreign guests.Professor Su Ming, deputy secretary of Party Committee in Shanghai Jiao Tong University attended the opening ceremony and delivered a welcome speech, and professor Zhang Hongbin from College of Chemistry and Chemical Technology as the chairman of the conference.

Professor Yang Guang and graduate student Wu Lei were invited to participate in The 10th Internation

Conference Chairman: Prof. Zhang Hongbin

Professor Yang Guang and graduate student Wu Lei were invited to participate in The 10th Internation

Prof. Zhang Hongbin, Prof. Phillips, Prof. Zhang Lina, Prof. Nishinari, Prof. Cui, Prof. Williams and Prof. Yang Guang

         The International Hydrocolloids series of conferences have been held biennially since 1992, and this conference is now approaching its 20th birthday, the theme of which is "The research of biological macromolecules hydrocolloids and application in food, medicine and biomass materials, etc". Reflecting attaching equal importance to basic research and industrial application, interdisciplinarity especially in polymer science and food science crossover, relationship of biological macromolecules hydrocolloids functional and human health is a distinct characteristic of the conference. The conference has 10 issues,the participants focused their coverage on the latest research of hydrocolloids chemistry, biochemical and physicochemical characterization,rheology of hydrocolloids, self-assembly and micro-structure evolution, hydrocolloids safety, functionality and nutrition and health, intelligent controlled drug delivery and natural biodegradable materials.Our hydrocolloids, particularly the foundation and applied research of biological macromolecules hydrocolloids has made a significant development in recent years.This is the first international conference held in China. 2008 Ninth Conference was organized by the National University of Singapore, and the Eleventh conference in 2012 will be held at Purdue University in the USA.

          The scientific program of this year’s conference covers significant scientific developments and advancing applications in hydrocolloid science and technology, including:

1. Chemical, biochemical and physicochemical characterization of hydrocolloids

2. Aggregation and self-assembly, carrier structures, controlled and responsive release in hydrocolloids

3. Rheology of gels, solutions, emulsions/dispersions and processing relevant to hydrocolloids

4. Natural and biodegradable materials and recycling

5. Novel hydrocolloids: microstructure and applications

6. Hydrocolloids in nano-science and nano-technology

7. Progress in starches and applications

8. Hydrocolloid safety and hydrocolloids as biofunctional and functional ingredients in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic, personal care industries

9. Hydrocolloids as dietary fiber and prebiotics: from structural functionality to nutrition and health 10. Industry and enterpriser forum

        Chairman of British PHRC, Prof. Phillips; new chairman of the international federation of food science and technology, Prof. Rao Pingfan; President of Japan Society of Rheology, Professor Nishinari Katsuyoshi; Prof. Zhang Lina from Wuhan University; President of the Foundation of hydrocolloids, Dr. Sworn; Chief editor of Food Hydrocolloids, Prof. Williams; Leader of Domestic Colloid and Interface Chemistry Key Laboratory of MOE and Food Science and Technology National Key Laboratory, and a number of accomplished overseas Chinese scholars attended the conference.

          Professor Yang Guang and graduate student Wu Lei were invited to participate in the conference. And professor Yang Guang gave an invited lecture entitled“Controllable Bio-fabrication based on Microbes: From Microbes to Functional Materials”, and student Wu Lei made an oral report entitled“BC whisker / P(NIPAM-co-BMA) Nanogel Complex for Interventional Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma”.

Professor Yang Guang and graduate student Wu Lei were invited to participate in The 10th Internation

Graduate student Wu Lei was making report

Professor Yang Guang and graduate student Wu Lei were invited to participate in The 10th Internation

Prof. Nishinari, Prof. Chen Yongmei, Prof. Yang Guang and group member participants


Address:Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 LuoYu East Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, 
 Address: Department of Life Science and Technology, East Campus, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 LuoYu
 Address: Department of Life Science and Technology, East Campus, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 LuoYu Address: College of Life Science and Technology, East Campus, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037 LuoYu East  

Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China

All copyright Huazhong University of Science and Technology