华中科技大学 3BIO 团队国际校友线上会议成功举办,共话发展新篇/ Huazhong University of Science and Technology 3BIO Team International Alumni Online Meeting was successfully held to discuss a new chapter of development.
2025 年 1 月 26 日,一场跨越国界的线上会议在 Zoom 平台成功举行,来自中国、澳大利亚、肯尼亚等多个国家的 16 位华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院生物医学工程系 3BIO 团队校友齐聚 “云端” ,共同参与了这场年度盛会 ——“Meet Professor Yang” 。此次会议不仅为校友们提供了与杨光教授交流的宝贵机会,更成为了维系校友情谊、促进学术与事业合作的重要桥梁。On January 26, 2025, a cross-border online meeting was successfully held on the Zoom platform. 16 alumni of the 3BIO team of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology from China, Australia, Kenya and other countries gathered together in the "cloud" to participate in this annual event - "Meet Professor Yang". This meeting not only provided alumni with a valuable opportunity to communicate with Professor Yang Guang but also became an important bridge to maintain alumni friendships and promote academic and career cooperation.
会议伊始,杨光教授发表了热情洋溢的开幕致辞,他对各位校友的积极参与表示热烈欢迎,强调了线上会议在延续 3BIO 团队文化、增进校友间联系方面的重要意义,并向大家送上了真挚的新年祝福。随后,Bricard 通过精彩的 PPT 展示,详细介绍了 3BIO团队的最新进展,唤起了校友们对往昔共同学习与奋斗经历的美好回忆,也让大家对团队的未来发展充满期待。At the beginning of the meeting, Professor Yang Guang delivered an enthusiastic opening speech. She warmly welcomed all alumni for their active participation, emphasized the importance of online meetings in continuing the 3BIO team culture and enhancing connections among alumni, and sent everyone her sincere New Year wishes. Subsequently, Bricard introduced the latest progress of the 3BIO team in detail through a wonderful PPT presentation, which evoked the alumni's fond memories of past joint learning and struggle experiences and also made everyone full of expectations for the future development of the team.
在会议进程中,石志军副教授带来了令人瞩目的新产品介绍。他所展示的新产品,充分彰显了 3BIO 团队校友在专业领域的卓越成就与创新精神,引发了参会校友们的广泛关注与深入探讨。而互动环节无疑是本次会议的高潮,校友们纷纷踊跃发言,进行了全面而真诚的自我介绍,不仅分享了毕业后各自丰富多彩的职业经历,还畅谈了未来的发展规划,现场气氛热烈而温馨,进一步加深了彼此之间的了解与情谊。During the meeting, Associate Professor Shi Zhijun introduced us to new products in an eye-catching way. The new products he displayed fully demonstrated the outstanding achievements and innovative spirit of the 3BIO team alumni in the professional field and aroused widespread attention and in-depth discussions among the alumni attending the meeting. The interactive session was undoubtedly the climax of this meeting. Alumni spoke enthusiastically and gave comprehensive and sincere self-introductions. They not only shared their colorful career experiences after graduation but also talked about future development plans. The atmosphere was warm and lively. The warmth further deepened the understanding and friendship between each other.
会议接近尾声时,杨光教授进行了闭幕致辞,再次着重强调了加强校友联系的重要性,并郑重宣布为了进一步推动校友间的交流与合作,今后每年至少将举办两次线上会议。下一次会议初步定于 2025 年 9 月,届时将特别邀请中国学生参会,分享他们的前沿研究项目,力求为校友们搭建更为广阔的合作平台。At the end of the meeting, Professor Yang Guang gave a closing speech, once again emphasizing the importance of strengthening alumni connections, and solemnly announced that in order to further promote exchanges and cooperation among alumni, at least two online meetings will be held every year in the future. The next meeting is initially scheduled for September 2025. Chinese students will be specially invited to attend the meeting to share their cutting-edge research projects and strive to build a broader cooperation platform for alumni.
此次 “Meet Professor Yang” 线上会议的成功举办,不仅有效加强了 3BIO 团队校友之间的紧密联系,更为未来的学术交流与科研合作奠定了坚实基础。相信在全体校友的共同努力下,3BIO 团队校友网络将不断发展壮大,在生物医学工程领域创造更多辉煌成就,为社会发展贡献更大力量。The successful holding of this "Meet Professor Yang" online meeting not only effectively strengthened the close ties between alumni of the 3BIO team, but also laid a solid foundation for future academic exchanges and scientific research cooperation. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all alumni, the 3BIO team alumni network will continue to grow and create more brilliant achievements in the field of biomedical engineering and contribute more to social development.
会议海报/Meeting poster
参会者及其与会地点/ Participants and their locations
博士生Bricard介绍 3BIO团队的最新进展/ Doctoral student Bricard introduces the latest progress of the 3BIO team
石志军副教授带来新产品介绍/ Associate Professor Shi Zhijun introduced new products